Episode One

Oh, an augustly Aquador.
You’re my world, my day, abounding with a light of magic.
You are a color play. You’re life; you are a death and resurrection.
You’re my dream, you’re real, and you’re a joy of perfection.

Octon Magicassy

The august world of Aquador brought into life a great magically-rich and developed empire. The empire was called Zelur. Universum, a majestic pyramid was the key sight of its capital Fora. Universum as a centre of the magic power dominated over all the magicians in the surrounding area. At the time magic knowledge gradually started dividing into four main directions. There were warm, cold, dead and material (i.e. magic that tried to combine magic with mechanics) magic schools. Soon each of them longed to set their own authority in Universum as well as in the whole Zelur Empire.

Universum was ruled by the sage lord Octon Magicassi, a supreme wizard who unified the power of four schools. During many years he was a keeper of “The World” crown – a symbol of the magic power. Owing to its power Octon could maintain the balance and didn’t let any of the schools to subdue the Universum. But as years passed by, Octon was aging and magic schools were growing stronger. The tension between the schools increased as each of them waited for Octon’s death in hope to seize the crown. And one day in order to prevent an open war between the magicians Octon decided to hide the crown of World in the distant mysterious lands. It was Octon only knowledgeable of the secret of the world’s existence. One day lord Octon disappeared only to have Zelur sink in chaos. Three magic schools grappled with each other and the master of the fourth set out in pursuit for Octon hoping to get “The World” crown.

Before enemy overtook him, Octon did manage to hide the crown. Two magicians clashed in a fight which ended with the death of one and the damnation of the other.

One hundred years after these events, the ancient curse broke free. Through all these years necromancer was sending troops of undeads to the depth of ancient caves trying to find the crown till one of those troops came into clash with cave dwellers - lava demons, which lived there since olden time. Two magic races faced each other in ferocious battle. Dashing about underground and catacombs armies of undeads had to defeat and slowly but steadily climbed up to surface, where elves lived unsuspicious of the bloodbath taking place underneath their feet. Shortly afterwards the undead quit the caves and the first they assaulted was a majestic elven town Argos or the City of Dawn. This event marked the beginning of a great war between forest people and undead legions. This is the war you will be able to both follow and impact, while exploring the first episode of epic trilogy of the game “Heroes of Annihilated Empires”.